Customer Testimonials

A long-standing tradition of unparalleled customer success

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Wolken is trusted by the biggest names in the industry

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Customers Speak!

A long tradition of providing the best customer service experience.
Yadu Balehosur
CEO Robust Designs, Singapore

Wolken Enterprise goes beyond technical bug tracking. It gives us a collaborative platform that brings the project managers, business analysts and developers on both sides on the same page. Project plans, project documents, service requests including screenshots can all be put into Wolken Enterprise, and progress and resolutions tracked and commented upon. It gives a feeling to our customers of being in control of their projects.

Anne Veen
CEO InterXec. World Class Interactions World Class Results

We were looking for a solution that supports our 24x7 on-line services which are deployed to our C-Level customers all over the globe. Our business cannot accept failure or loss of service which means that tracking our online and back-office systems is integral to our business success. Wolken Enterprise is the only application that allows us to do this cost-effectively with comprehensive availability via the cloud.

Alwyn Reyes
Director of IT, Igloo

We have seen a fivefold increase in the number of tickets submitted, thanks to the easy-to-use Wolken Service Desk solution. Our IT Support team has also benefited from our new system – they’re able to resolve tickets at least 50% faster while keeping end users very happy.

Edmund J.
Head of Operations, ESD Support at Broadcom Inc.

We were all amazed at how rapidly the Wolken Team solved problems, big or small, and went live in just a matter of weeks. New platforms can be quite tricky, but Wolken’s simple UI was amazingly easy to adapt to. We have seen a magnitude of difference in employee efficiency and resolution times. Wolken’s easy configurability, scalability, and data integration have been the key to our customer experience success.

Narasimha Rao Peddada
Group IT Manager, AHI Carrier Fzc

We wanted an effective user-friendly helpdesk system to track and monitor our support tickets. We are quite impressed by the capabilities of Wolken Enterprise and its flexibility to adapt to our workflow. The solution is very flexible to configure as per our requirement. We finally got “What you ask is What you get” setup. With the cloud model, version upgrade happens so quietly without the end-user’s knowledge.

Yadu Balehosur
CEO Robust Designs, Singapore

Wolken Enterprise goes beyond technical bug tracking. It gives us a collaborative platform that brings the project managers, business analysts and developers on both sides on the same page. Project plans, project documents, service requests including screenshots can all be put into Wolken Enterprise, and progress and resolutions tracked and commented upon. It gives a feeling to our customers of being in control of their projects.

Anne Veen
CEO InterXec. World Class Interactions World Class Results

We were looking for a solution that supports our 24x7 on-line services which are deployed to our C-Level customers all over the globe. Our business cannot accept failure or loss of service which means that tracking our online and back-office systems is integral to our business success. Wolken Enterprise is the only application that allows us to do this cost-effectively with comprehensive availability via the cloud.

Alwyn Reyes
Director of IT, Igloo

We have seen a fivefold increase in the number of tickets submitted, thanks to the easy-to-use Wolken Service Desk solution. Our IT Support team has also benefited from our new system – they’re able to resolve tickets at least 50% faster while keeping end users very happy.

Edmund J.
Head of Operations, ESD Support at Broadcom Inc.

We were all amazed at how rapidly the Wolken Team solved problems, big or small, and went live in just a matter of weeks. New platforms can be quite tricky, but Wolken’s simple UI was amazingly easy to adapt to. We have seen a magnitude of difference in employee efficiency and resolution times. Wolken’s easy configurability, scalability, and data integration have been the key to our customer experience success.

Narasimha Rao Peddada
Group IT Manager, AHI Carrier Fzc

We wanted an effective user-friendly helpdesk system to track and monitor our support tickets. We are quite impressed by the capabilities of Wolken Enterprise and its flexibility to adapt to our workflow. The solution is very flexible to configure as per our requirement. We finally got “What you ask is What you get” setup. With the cloud model, version upgrade happens so quietly without the end-user’s knowledge.

What our Customers Say

Edmund J.

Head of Operations, ESD Support at Broadcom Inc.

Alwyn Reyes

Director of IT, Igloo

Prashanth Shenoy

Head of Operations, OnMobile

Narasimha Rao Peddada

Group IT Manager, AHI Carrier Fzc

Yadu Balehosur

CEO Robust Designs, Singapore

Anne Veen

CEO InterXec. World Class Interactions World Class Results

We were all amazed at how rapidly the Wolken Team solved problems, big or small, and went live in just a matter of weeks. New platforms can be quite tricky, but Wolken’s simple UI was amazingly easy to adapt to. We have seen a magnitude of difference in employee efficiency and resolution times. Wolken’s easy configurability, scalability, and data integration have been the key to our customer experience success.

We have seen a fivefold increase in the number of tickets submitted, thanks to the easy-to-use Wolken Service Desk solution. Our IT Support team has also benefited from our new system – they’re able to resolve tickets at least 50% faster while keeping end users very happy.

Flexibility, quick roll-out, and cost- these were the key evaluation factors for the Service Desk partner. Wolken ServiceDesk “WOW”ed our team on the day of the demo– they came back with a live setup on cloud and we had more or less taken a decision by the end of the demo. The Wolken team ensured that the WOW impact did not fizzle out and we launched the GNOC in a matter of 3 months- including interconnect with Zabbix NMS! They have shown the flexibility to remodel flows to suit our needs and we are implementing more modules in addition to the basic ServiceDesk.Going forward, Wolken ServiceDesk will be the backbone of our global operations spanning 59 countries and a larger number of customers.

We wanted an effective user-friendly helpdesk system to track and monitor our support tickets. We are quite impressed by the capabilities of Wolken Enterprise and its flexibility to adapt to our workflow. The solution is very flexible to configure as per our requirement. We finally got “What you ask is What you get” setup. With the cloud model, version upgrade happens so quietly without the end-user’s knowledge.

Wolken Enterprise goes beyond technical bug tracking. It gives us a collaborative platform that brings the project managers, business analysts and developers on both sides on the same page. Project plans, project documents, service requests including screenshots can all be put into Wolken Enterprise, and progress and resolutions tracked and commented upon. It gives a feeling to our customers of being in control of their projects.

We were looking for a solution that supports our 24x7 on-line services which are deployed to our C-Level customers all over the globe. Our business cannot accept failure or loss of service which means that tracking our online and back-office systems is integral to our business success. Wolken Enterprise is the only application that allows us to do this cost-effectively with comprehensive availability via the cloud.

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Sam Kennedy

Marketing Lead, Twitter

Andy Nallappan

VP and CIO
Broadcom Limited

Why customers choose us

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We strive to provide out-of-the-box solutions for your enterprise that are easily scalable to fit your needs, Moreover, our product helps in reducing the 3C's; Customizations, Cost and Complexity.

Wolken Customization Card

Wolken ServiceDesk is customizable at the touch-of-a-button to fit your business needs.

Wolken Cost Effective Card

Wolken ServiceDesk is cost effective and can help you reduce your TCO by 30-60%.

Wolken Complexity Card

Wolken ServiceDesk is extremely user-friendly, thus helping save time and efforts of your resources.

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