How to Prevent Downtime and Improve Your IT Disaster Recovery Plan


Disasters, such as hardware failure, can strike at any moment and from any location. 

This is why your firm should always have a disaster recovery strategy. 

Every firm, regardless of industry, needs a dependable and well-managed data backup and recovery solution. 

This helps to prevent downtime concerns caused by hardware failure, natural calamities, software system hacking, or human mistake.

Even if technology is advancing to enable firms to seek high availability and disaster prevention, disasters are still likely to occur even with the best-laid preparations.

 Servers will fail, the software will have faults that cause it to fail, and security events will occur that must be handled. 

Even with redundancy and distributed networks, systems are not immune to failure — even if the chance and severity are significantly decreased.

It is common knowledge that data loss, such as the loss of client information, may have major consequences for any company. 

Despite this, many firms do not have a DRP (disaster recovery plan) in place.

Down Time Definition

IT downtime is defined as periods when a computer or any other critical component of your IT system is unavailable. 

This might be about the internet, a website, servers, hardware, or software.

 Similarly, a power loss, human mistake, hardware malfunction, or even software failure can all cause downtime.

Downtime Costs

There may be losses in the organization as a result of downtimes. Some of the downtime Costs are given below.

  • Revenue loss for your company:

While your systems are down, you are unable to serve your clients, resulting in revenue loss.

  • Negative effects on your reputation and client loyalty:

Downtime can upset consumers and influence perception since your company may appear to be badly managed.

  • Productivity loss:

Employees that are unable to work correctly are less productive and less able to deliver great service.

  • Costs of Recovery:

Recovery expenses include the costs of restoring, repairing or replacing the IT system, as well as hiring outside experts if necessary.

  • Data Loss:

Data loss incurs legal and contractual consequences, particularly in regulated businesses. 

There are other expenses associated with reconstructing lost or damaged data, as well as missed potential costs.

Regardless of the size of your company, understanding the ramifications of downtime and how to minimize it is critical.

Disaster Recovery Definition:

Disaster recovery is defined as a type of security strategy that enables your company to restore infrastructure, vital systems following a disaster. 

Remember that with careful planning, your company will be able to restore normal operations by recovering access to apps, data.

Implementing a disaster recovery plan, which is a collection of IT rules and processes helps the organization from data loss.

IT Disaster Recovery Plan:

Recovery methods for information technology (IT) systems, applications, and data should be devised. 

Networks, servers, workstations, laptops, wireless devices, data, and communication are all included. 

Objectives for IT recovery should be compatible with the priorities identified during the business impact analysis for the recovery of business services and processes. 

It is also necessary to identify the IT resources required to support time-sensitive business tasks and procedures. 

The recovery time for an IT resource should correspond to the recovery time goal for the business function that relies on that resource.

Keeping Downtime to a Minimum and Improving Your IT Disaster Recovery Plan:

  • Understand your system requirements and availability requirements:
  • Some data and apps are more crucial than others in any organization. 
  • Prioritize system availability and recovery for the most essential systems.
  • Make a detailed map of your organization's data, apps, servers, and software solutions, and assign each one a "downtime tolerance."
  • Remember to specify application interdependencies.
  • Monitoring of networks and applications:
  • You can discover and handle possible issues before they become a problem by proactively monitoring and maintaining your network.
  • Whether it's a possible server overload or one of your services failing, efficient monitoring offers visibility into these failures, sends out necessary notifications, and enables your support staff to promptly resolve these issues.
  • By taking frequent backups:
  • You can defend against data loss and maintain your business's ability to recover swiftly by adopting frequent backups.
  • Create a daily backup routine and verify your backup retrieval procedure so you can restore critical data in the event of a disaster.
  • The less downtime you have, the faster you can recover your data.
  • Prepare a disaster recovery strategy:
  • Make a detailed strategy for dealing with specific disasters and failures, including the protocols that each team will adhere to.
  • The recovery process should be outlined in this strategy, as well as a clear responsibility communication plan and follow-up triage processes.
  • This plan explains the recovery procedure so that everyone knows what is necessary rather than attempting to figure it out under the stress of an interruption.
  • Run disaster recovery events on a regular basis:
  • Simply outlining a plan is insufficient. Teams must become acquainted with the strategy and how to carry it out. 
  • And the most effective method to accomplish this is through disaster recovery testing.
  • Teams must mimic various outages and disasters in a pre-planned setting on a regular basis.
  • Practice restoring services so that they are ready to perform when they occur in real-life.
  • Use release control and configuration-as-code to your advantage.
  • Along with frequent backups, any changes to your production applications must be pushed using a code version and deployment tool.
  • This enables teams to search for software modifications that cause possible outages and swiftly reverse these changes to restore services.
  • One of the leading causes of outages is configuration modifications made to servers and network settings.
  • The simplest method to ensure that any changes made to both software, underlying services misconfiguration are rectified is to run everything via deployment tools as code.
  • Protect your systems:
  •  Security is one of the most pressing problems for organizations, and they must invest in effective tools to help secure their systems.
  • This must include scanning code as well as network traffic.
  • This will aid in the prevention of unforeseen outages caused by cyber-attacks.


In addition to the business continuity plan, an information technology disaster recovery plan (IT DRP) should be created. 

During the business impact study, priorities and recovery time targets for information technology should be created. 

Technology recovery solutions should be designed to restore hardware, software promptly to satisfy the demands of business recovery.