Achieving ITSM metrics in the Age of the Millennials
With millennials touted to dominate workplaces in a few years from now, moving into leadership roles, changes are inevitable. And ITSM metrics will not remain unaffected by the changes that are bound to blow across performance indices. Successful organizations are those that not only accept change, but embrace it, making space to accommodate requirements that create the differentiators. Surveys and studies are unanimous on the fact that changes are bound to impact organizations in the immediate future. We drill down into a few of the changes that will leave their marks on ITSM metrics.
Increased Ticket Resolution through Chatbots
Perhaps one of the most happening technologies that is slated to usher in a more effective service desk environment is the use of chatbots for appropriate levels of ticket resolutions. Some of the more common and repetitive service desk requirements will end up exclusively in chatbot territory. The rapid progress in ML and AI have combined to present chatbots that are beginning to decode complex issues, based on previous encounters. The reliance on chatbots will leave a positive and double impact on service desk efficiency. Not only will this result in swifter resolutions, it will actually free up service desk executives bandwidth to handle other requests effectively.
The always-connected Generation
Glued to their devices for the most part of their time, and relying on the devices for all personal requirements, and increasingly professional needs, it makes it important for organizations to factor in mobile solutions for a better customer experience. Surveys indicate that the amount of time spent on mobile phones has only gone up, which points to increased engagement. It will therefore continue to engage this generation, and organizations that recognize this need will be able to offer a better experience.
Processes will undergo a change to cope with changing demands
The change in processes will result, either by choice or by compulsion. Organizations will reach a point where it becomes necessary to cope with the changes, the agility and mobility desired in processes in the near future. Processes that are more streamlined and efficient will offer greater productivity and customer satisfaction in resolution of tickets raised. Organizations will need to cross the bridge of looking at better and faster processes to be able to meet the demands of the generation, that is characterized by the speed with which decisions are made and the short attention spans.
Greater self service
This is another area that will witness rapid deployment after development. Millennials are comfortable doing things their way. This means, that the desire to be able to achieve or accomplish certain tasks without assistance will always remain strong. Organizations will therefore be expected to create a platform where information is available easily, without the need for further intervention. In combination with automation in selected tasks, self service portal will render processes a lot more efficient, in addition to intersecting with the millennials in their need for greater freedom in making decisions.