5 Smart Hacks for Good IT Service Management

Wolken ITSM suite integrates seamlessly with your workflow management increasing efficacy and employee satisfaction. By utilizing an IT service management system, businesses can maintain a comprehensive inventory of hardware, software, and licenses. By virtue of being a process based management, it would certainly help to have a few smart hacks tucked away, to enhance and elevate the process flow. Drive cost savings and customer satisfaction with IT service management tools, fostering a culture of continuous improvement This is all the more important considering the fact that it is an omnichannel process, demanding a better plan in place. Unveiled below are five smart hacks in ITSM, that help in rendering a better service experience for clients.

#1 Before you change your plans, be prepared to plan the changes

The frequency with which changes need to be incorporated are not shocking anymore, mainly because change has become a matter of routine. Agile processes demand changes that vary in scale or priority. It is important to plan the change better, making it possible for all stakeholders to soak up the changes easily. Be ready to switch back to pre-change status, if you hit a roadblock and keep all stakeholders associated with various service management processes downstream in the loop.

#2 Harness automated processes for repetitive tasks

Why scramble when it is possible to use automation effectively? Before you roll out automation in ITSM processes, be sure you make a detailed analysis tasks. The tasks that are routine, which do not require human intervention need to go into the automation cycle. However, bear in mind that most processes cannot work in isolation. The true success of automation in IT Service Management will be fully achieved when such processes are streamlined effectively to co-function without gaps with other supporting or overarching processes.

#3 The new buzzwords in troubleshooting – proactive and predictive

Processes that do not face issues are a rarity, and form a minuscule percentage of exceptions. The norm is typically, processes that face unexpected issues or routine problems. The trick is to be a step ahead, by turning proactive and predictive. This involves a proper analysis, threat analysis, to identify hot spots and potential sources of problems. Tag issues that have been encountered and resolved with keywords that offer easy retrieval and reference. Work out a solution around the problem, with a dedicated team that will understand and develop a dynamic ITSM solution. A proactive approach helps troubleshoot effectively.

#4 Strong reporting channel with uncomplicated dashboards

Perhaps one of the most important, yet sometimes neglected aspect of business is the input that comes from a robust system of reporting. This is the key in process flows that help to identify and set right processes for a better customer experience. Prioritize this aspect, and combine it with uncomplicated dashboards to offer better reporting tools and analytics for stakeholders to complete processes better.

#5 Facilitate self service options

The need of the hour is to empower users with the ability to seek and find what they are looking for, by making information readily available. In combination with contextual based information, this will bring speed to processes without the need for intervention. Ensure that you facilitate this multi channel support, across channels. Ideally, this needs to be precise, eliminating information that is irrelevant. Deliver power in the hands of the user, and bring in better efficiency in processes.

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Wolken Software